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ProSlate™ 13 with Enable Eyes


ProSlate 13 EnableEyes with Quick Core 12
ProSlate 13 Enable Eyes
ProSlate 13 with Enable Eyes with CoreWord 40
ProSlate 13 EE_sideR SP
ProSlate 13 Enable Eyes CoughDrop VocalFlair Pro 112
ProSlate 13 with Enable EyesE_back 34L
ProSlate 13 with Enable Eyes with CoreWord 20
ProSlate 13 EE_back

Our biggest AAC iOS based device, with EYE TRACKING!

Introducing our latest eye gaze solution for AAC users! The ProSlate™ 13 with Enable Eyes® incorporates cutting-edge eye tracking technology while providing access to all the iPad offers, including access to various apps; communication software, desktop control apps, social media apps, learning apps, and many more. This dedicated speech-generating device weighs in at only 3.82 lbs. The Enable Eyes® module and onscreen assistive touch icon allow you to access all the functions of the IOS platform, including single tap, double tap, drag, scroll and zoom, using only your eyes.


As with other devices offered through Forbes AAC, the ProSlate 13 with Enable Eyes incorporates the, FlexABLE® Handle and Stand and SoundPOD™ wearable speaker.

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